Support & Maintenance

Once your website is live, it’s only the start of the journey. You will be in good hands with Saigon Digital. Protect your investment with support and retainer services that help you grow, fine tune and scale your website.

Saigon Digital support and maintenance packages are an ideal way to guarantee your team has a support partner that cares and can offer dedicated support hours for your website when you need it

Our maintenance, support & continuous improvement retainers offer our clients ultimate peace of mind that their site is running smoothly, securely and ready to scale when required.

Oh, and we’re also a friendly bunch to talk to.

New features? Technical advice or guidance? How about a new section or template on your website? No problem at all. We’re here to listen, support and guide you in any way for your project.

We provide fast, effective and flexible development resources which are focused on prompt but valuable response in line with our Service Level Agreement.

We have retainer packages to suit clients of all sizes and needs, reach out to us today to see how we can help you and your project.

An approachable and friendly development team

Team Loyalty

A team that cares. No more flaky developers that quit responding to emails. You’ll now have a dedicated developer and account / project manager that you can trust and rely on.

Code Assessments

Is your website/app not running as smoothly as it should? We perform technical code reviews that will inspect your codebase, analysing any performance issues and suggest improvements, point out security flaws etc.

Data Migration

Want to move your website from one place to another? Relax, knowing it will be handled by an experienced professional.


Never worry about website updates again. We ensure that our code bases and platforms are running the latest and greatest at all times. Focus on the things that matter. Let us handle the small things.

Testing and Bug Fixing

As your website grows there may be times where issues appear and bug fixing will be required. We will help address and advise any bug fixes and issues that crop up along the way as part of our maintenance.

Grow and scale your project

We understand you’ve got a lot to do in your business other than working on your website. Saigon Digital’s support service is set up to help you focus on running your organisation or marketing activities, leaving us to do what we do best: taking the tech off your mind.


Looking for an agency support partner? Reach out for a chat today.

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