
By Nicholas Rowe,

January 12, 2023

The beauty of Working with Gatsby JS and WordPress?

If you’re a team that’s well-versed in WordPress, incorporating Gatsby into your workflow can bring a host of modern benefits including improved performance, scalability, security and faster development times.

Before we dive any further, Saigon Digital offers a range of different Jamstack Headless CMS services, be sure to check them out.

And the best part is, you get to keep using the user-friendly content creation interface that WordPress offers.

When might WordPress + Gatsby be a good fit for your project?

WordPress + Gatsby is great for:

  • Content teams who are comfortable with the WordPress content editing experience
  • Development teams who value using popular, open-source technologies
  • Redesigns of sites with content already stored in WordPress
  • Teams who want to own their data and tech stack
  • Complex access control workflows or content modelling restrictions
  • Projects where security is important
  • High demand projects where performance is paramount

On the other hand, WordPress + Gatsby might not be the best choice for:

  • Teams that require the use of WordPress UI themes.
  • Projects that need a fully managed cloud content management system.

However, it’s worth noting that a headless CMS can offer some advantages over traditional WordPress such as better performance, flexibility and scalability, and easier integration with other systems.

What Does it Take to Incorporate WordPress and Gatsby?

Many development teams, content teams, and client decision-makers are familiar with WordPress.

Implementing Gatsby in conjunction with WordPress is a simple migration process for website teams seeking enhanced security, site performance, and development speed.

Clients are often familiar with WordPress content management workflows. Using Gatsby in conjunction with WordPress allows teams to deliver benefits without altering the familiar content editing experience.

What does it cost to host a Gatsby + WordPress Headless CMS?

The cost to host a Gatsby site with a WordPress headless CMS will depend on a few factors, such as the hosting provider you choose, the size and complexity of your site, and any additional features or services you may need.

Static Site Hosting

To host your Gatsby site, you will need a web hosting provider that supports Gatsby, such as Gatsby Cloud or Vercel. These services typically offer various pricing plans with different levels of features and resources. For example, Gatsby Cloud has free and paid plans. It’s free if you have fewer than 100 build minutes per month, additional minutes cost $0.05/min.

WordPress Hosting

For the WordPress headless CMS, you will need to host the WordPress site separately, which can be done using a traditional web hosting provider. Saigon Digital recommends using Siteground or WP Engine – both of which are supportive with Headless CMS Technology and their customer service is top notch. The price of these services also offer different pricing plans, with costs typically based on factors such as the amount of storage and bandwidth you need, as well as the level of support and managed services you require.

It’s best to check with specific hosting providers for the most up-to-date information on costs and features.

Additionally, if you need more advanced features such as custom domains, additional storage, a Content Delivery Network, or increased bandwidth, you may need to pay additional costs.

Saigon Digital – Official Gatsby Partner

We’re proud to say we are now an official at Gatsby JS Agency Partner. This means that we’ve been recognised for doing some great work in the Gatsby JS development scene for our clients.

You can check out our official Gatsby JS partner page by clicking here!

A strong technical core is just one piece of the puzzle. To truly take your website to the next level, you need to consider SEO, UX/UI design, and ongoing maintenance.

That’s where Saigon Digital comes in. We don’t just develop websites; we craft strategic digital experiences. Our team of SEO specialists will ensure your Gatsby.js website ranks highly in search results, driving organic traffic and attracting your target audience. Saigon Digital’s UX/UI design gurus will create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface that complements the lightning-fast speed of Gatsby.js. This ensures visitors not only find your website but also have a seamless and engaging experience, maximising conversions and achieving your business goals.

With Saigon Digital as your partner, you’ll leverage the power of Gatsby.js to build a website that’s blazing-fast, SEO-optimised, and user-centric. Contact us and let’s transform your online presence together!


About the Author

Nicholas Rowe

As the CEO and Co-Founder of Saigon Digital, I bring a client-first approach to delivering high-level technical solutions that drive exceptional results to our clients across the world.

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